A Guide to Cities Post Coronavirus Pandemic

A Guide to Cities Post Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus is one of the most devastating health crises in the modern world. What started as a disease in a single city soon spread to other places all over the world. The cities bore the most of the effects. Bubbling with the transport industry, entertainment, and service, everything suddenly came to a standstill. 

Even though there has been a successful rollout of vaccines, everything is yet to return to normal. Most cities are still under lockdown, with others not allowing visitors. 

Or maybe the cities will never return to normalcy. They will instead pick a new normal.

Here are some of the possible changes in the world cities post coronavirus. ‘

  • cities surviving the pandemic 

The current focus of everyone is on the possible end of the virus. If the vaccine and other control measures are anything to go by, then the cities will come back stronger post coronavirus. 

Already, the world has embraced various ways to mitigate the spread of the virus. While inventions like eCommerce and remote work were projected as the future, they have suddenly become the way of life. There is a high likelihood of most people never going back to work in the physical offices. 

Given the reduced population in the city, some new people will come in looking for open opportunities with increased wages. Remote work would also make work global. You can apply for jobs in Europe or the US when in  Africa or Asia, as long as you have the skills. 

  • Focus on health 

Social distancing, sanitizing, and washing hands are some of the common control measures during the pandemic. There is the likelihood of these becoming the norm as people become more conscious of their health. Most of the city population would still prefer events without the density and reconsider staying in the shared apartments. 

Functional health care for all has become a necessity. The cities have realized that you can only contain a disease when everyone has access to health facilities. Otherwise, every other person is at risk in case of any other infection in the proportions of coronavirus. 

  • A new economic model 

Most of the cities have developed based on an economic model that favors the working class. The pandemic has since made it clear that there is no viable economic development without investment in healthcare.  There is a need for a better food supply system and medical services. 

The other concern is on the access of medical services to the poorly paid laborers. Most of these populations do not have proper health insurance and access to medical facilities. They also tend to stay in crowded places, more susceptible to infections. The post-pandemic period must be the best time to rethink the economic model for inclusivity.  

  • Restoring confidence in large scale urban communities 

Once everything settles, cities will come back more vibrant. However, this time around the focus will be on sustainability, inclusivity, and economic opportunities for the whole population. Most of these communities will look to achieve affordable housing, access to health care for all, and eco-housing.

Bottom Line 

Coronavirus remains the most devastating epidemic in the modern world. However, it will come with massive positives to the cities in the world. Most of the places will be about inclusivity, health care for all, and pollution-free economic models.